
Charis W

Location Arlington, VA

$90 Question Mark
3d BuildingFacility:
$100Question Mark
GroupGroup Rate (2-4 Trainees):
$200Question Mark
RightFit Verified

About Charis W

As an intrinsic health and wellness coach, certified health education specialist, NASM certified personal trainer, group training specialist, and corrective exercise specialist, you can tell that I’m all about wellness. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Community Health from the University of Maryland, College Park. I wrote ‘A Measure of Health’ which explains how our lifestyles influence our waist size and what we can do about it based on research and I also made a cookbook called ‘Belly Fat Recipes and Evidence-Based Tips’ which has whole food plant-based recipes that fit into my proven waist-slimming lifestyle protocol. I also have training in facilitated stretching, which has expanded my knowledge-base of how to help improve flexibility as well as mobility issues such as knee or shoulder restrictions in range of motion, back pain, etc.

My holistic approach to health and wellness helps to break through difficult cycles of self-sabotaging behavior by reflecting on our mindsets and shifting perspectives to discover intrinsic or ‘inner’ motivation.

I firmly believe in drawing the connections/relationship between our lifestyles and our health so that we can realize truly impactful, permanent and positive change. My passion for healthy living runs deep.

NASMCorrective Exercise SpecialistIntrinsic Health and Wellness Coach (IHCWC approved)Certified Health Education SpecialistGroup Personal Training SpecialistFacilitated Stretching

ArmsBackBalance TrainingBody TransformationBootcampsChestCircuit TrainingCore TrainingCorrective ExerciseFat LossFitness AssessmentsGeneral Wellness/FitnessGoal SettingGroup ExHeart Health TrainingInjury PreventionInterval TrainingLegsLow Impact TrainingMobility TrainingMuscle Activation Techniques (MAT)Muscle GainMuscle TonePerformance EnhancementPersonalized FitnessPostureProgram Design and ImplementationRange of MotionShouldersStability TrainingStrength TrainingToningWeight LossWeight ManagementWellness

  • Dollar Hourly rate: $90

  • Calendar Session cancellation: 24 hours notice required

Training Philosophy
Slow and steady wins the race - consistency is key! Also nutrition is highly important to pair with exercise.

Training Professionally Since
March 1, 2025

Typical Training Session

When you work with me you will perform an assessment so that i can create a personalized plan to help correct whatever issues you are dealing with. Each workout will involve a warm-up and various targeted strength-building exercises that you need. At the end of the workout you will do various targeted stretches that you need as well. Over time we retrain your body to move in a healthy way that helps to prevent injury and promote athletic performance.

Client success story

I’ve helped clients improve shoulder range of motion issues, reduce knee pain, reduce back pain, reach the splits, and more.

I like roller blading, writing, reading, listening to music and ice skating.

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Personal Trainer Arlington, VA - Charis W
Personal Trainer Arlington, VA - Charis W
Personal Trainer Arlington, VA - Charis W
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Charis W

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