
Victoria Lake

Location Atlanta, GA

$85 Question Mark
3d BuildingFacility:
$65Question Mark
GroupGroup Rate (2-4 Trainees):
$120Question Mark
RightFit Verified

About Victoria Lake

I began my personal training career in 1993 as a direct result of requests by people I knew to help them acquire the level of health and vitality I had realized in my own life. The need for regaining, maintaining, and then expanding good health for people of all ages was inspired by my early years of poor health and poor direction from every resource that had crossed my path, especially the medical community. While previous to procuring my first certification I had deeply researched all concepts of fitness I am now especially happy to have certification with the American College of Sports Medicine. My continuing education includes Exercise Management of Person’s with Chronic Disease and Disabilities and other areas of balance, nutrition, and sport focus. All application of a sound fitness program begin with a clear base line of a beginning point, combined with well understood and reasonable expectations and then a protocol designed for the uniqueness of each individual. I particularly enjoy that each person I meet will delight in the benefits of developing a well rounded program that offers the opportunity to have excellent life vitality.


Agility TrainingBackBalance TrainingCircuit TrainingCore TrainingCorrective ExerciseDisease Specific TrainingFat LossFitness AssessmentsFull BodyFunctional TrainingGeneral Wellness/FitnessGeriatric Fitness TrainingGoal SettingGolfInjury PreventionInterval TrainingIsometric TrainingLow Impact TrainingMobility TrainingMuscle Activation Techniques (MAT)Muscle GainMuscle ToneNutritionPerformance EnhancementPersonalized FitnessPhysical HandicapPostureProgram Design and ImplementationRange of MotionRehab (Pre and Post)ShouldersSport Specific TrainingSports RehabilitationStability TrainingStrength TrainingTennisToningTRXWeight ManagementWellnessI have worked with stroke and Parkinson's survivor's

  • Dollar Hourly rate: $85

  • Calendar Session cancellation: 24 hours notice required

Training Philosophy
Love your body and it will love you back

Training Professionally Since
May 20, 1993

Typical Training Session

Each session begins with a recap of the days previous to the workout.This puts each client in direct control of their progress and integration of the day’s plan. The focus will always be dictated by the protocol indicating the areas of greatest and most fundamental needs. Each meeting will address nutrition, flexibility, strength and cardio-pulmonary health with a subsequent plan to follow until the next training scheduled.

Client success story

I trained an attorney and his wife in their home for a number of years addressing their general health and activity related challenges with great success. As they had a second home in the country we had sporatic sessions to check-ups, re-evaluations, and changes as predicated by their improvements. The attorney had a massive stroke at about year ten and was told he would never get out of the wheel chair and his wife had developed a frozen shoulder. They moved back to the city for the appropriate medical care and we reunited in their health care, post rehab. Within months he could walk with a walker around the house and within the year we could walk outside with support of a gait belt. His wife’s frozen shoulder was corrected within six months of reunion. We continue to work once a week, when they leave the country to come to Atlanta, to date.

Hiking,Piano, Gardening, Learning

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Victoria Lake

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