
Parker Alexander

Location Bloomington, IN

$90 Question Mark
3d BuildingFacility:
$90Question Mark
GroupGroup Rate (2-4 Trainees):
$115Question Mark
RightFit Verified

About Parker Alexander

I am a recent graduate from Indiana University ready to get in the workforce. My past experiences as a trainer/wellness coach has showed me this is my passion. I have worked with all age groups starting with young children ranging to the older population. I am also well versatile in teaching methods as I have had many different environments for teaching. Continuing with that I am able to help train people need be at the gym, at home, or even in their office space.

CPR/AEDFunctional Movement Systems

Balance TrainingDisease Specific TrainingFitness AssessmentsFull BodyFunctional TrainingGeneral Wellness/FitnessGoal SettingGroup ExHigh IntensityMobility TrainingPersonalized FitnessRange of MotionStrength TrainingWellness

  • Dollar Hourly rate: $90

  • Calendar Session cancellation: 24 hours notice required

Training Philosophy
I am all about my clients setting their own goals and successful reaching them. I want to be their support system and be able to help them to their success story.

Training Professionally Since

Typical Training Session

I like to start off with a warmup to get the clients heart pumping and blood moving.
Then we would go into our session and it would be tailored to that specific client and their needs.
I like to finish the sessions with a cool down and do stretching/yoga to relax the client and bring that heart rate back down.
Then in our last 5-10 minutes we can set a goal for the week or however long that way we can both plan for our next session. We would also be talking about the previous weeks goal and if it was obtained or not, and if we need to change things so that the client clan reach their goals.

Client success story

When I was a wellness coach for Healthy IU I had a client that wanted to move more throughout her day. Every week we would talk about her barriers and some habits she had that were limiting her movement. We would come up with small goals for the week that way she was accountable for her actions. By the end of our sessions she was taking breaks at work to go on a walk with coworkers, parking her car farther to get extra steps, and she even got a standing desk to eliminate time sitting at her office.

I love to go hiking and be outdoors.

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Parker Alexander

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