Train out of your home – The trainer comes to you.
My name is Kayla and I am excited to tell you a little more about me.
I have my Bachelors In Community Health Education and have been personal training for 5 years. I am extremely passionate about health. I like to look at wellness as a whole – mind, body and soul. I think health should be a part of ones lifestyle and something to look forward to. If you are looking to make some healthy changes and want someone who dedicated there for you please reach out, it is never to late to make a change!
Hourly rate: $90
Session cancellation: 24 hours notice required
First session is FREE
We will go over your goals and our plan of action. Every client is extremely different based on there needs. I will need to know more about you before I prescribe anything.
Many! If anyone is interested I can give you references from past clients
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Train out of your home – The trainer comes to you.
Go to the trainer’s gym.
Train with a friend (or two) and save!