
César E. Hernández

Location Orlando, FL

$140 Question Mark
3d BuildingFacility:
$60Question Mark
GroupGroup Rate (2-4 Trainees):
$150Question Mark
RightFit Verified

About César E. Hernández

In my experience of more than 10 years as an integral physical trainer, I have characterized myself as an integral, committed, responsible and valued person in my continuous development to the study of my abilities and updating my knowledge to always be able to have a constant focus and commitment to meet the needs and improvements in the integral and physical health of my students and clients, so it is my duty as a personal trainer to give that drive and tranquility that they need in a professional who guides them in achieving their personal objectives,


Agility TrainingArmsAthletic TrainingBackBaseballBody TransformationBodybuildingBootcampsChestCircuit TrainingCore TrainingCorrective ExerciseFat LossFull BodyFunctional TrainingGeneral Wellness/FitnessKettelbell TrainingLegsMuscle GainMuscle ToneNutritionPersonalized FitnessShouldersToningTRXWeight LossWellnessSuspensión Training SystemsFuntional Training Systems

  • Dollar Hourly rate: $140

  • Calendar Session cancellation: 24 hours notice required

Training Philosophy
My training philosophy is based on helping people improve in the care of the human body through the years with physical discipline with exercises, healthy eating and giving more years of life where physical and mental health is beneficial

Training Professionally Since
July 31, 2024

Typical Training Session

A training session begins first with a previous stretching of 30 to 45 minutes to bring blood to the tissues and avoid injuries during physical training with machines or weights, then a cardiovascular session is performed to give blood flow to the muscles and previously prepare the area or muscle group that will be trained in the session.

Client success story

In the 15 years that I have been as a comprehensive physical trainer, I have helped numerous clients and people in their quality of life, in their muscle development, weight loss, and discipline in their eating habits. That they have left me a pleasant experience in them, such as the satisfaction of giving my skills and knowledge for a better style and quality of life to my clients and students.

Films, reading books of fitness and nutrition, philosophy, cinema, Latin and English music, literature classic, dance, cooking healthy food, photography, acting

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César E. Hernández

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