Train out of your home – The trainer comes to you.
Hi my name is Jacob Szymanski. I am 24 and a certified strength & conditioning specialist through the NSCA along with being a personal trainer as well. I like to train clients who want to train for sport and overall daily performance and health. I am willing to work with individuals who are committed to their training and what it takes to achieve their goals.
Hourly rate: $75
Session cancellation: 24 hours notice required
First session is FREE
The way the session would go would depend on the session.
Just a lift then pillar prep work, primary strength movements, secondary strength movements, accessory movements, and then conditioning
If speed or agility is involved, then prep work, dynamic warmup, movement skill, plyometric and rotational work then primary strength movements, secondary strength movements, accessory movements, and then conditioning
Have a Question?
Train out of your home – The trainer comes to you.
Go to the trainer’s gym.
Train with a friend (or two) and save!