
Charlie Claffey

Location Elon, NC

$75 Question Mark
3d BuildingFacility:
$75Question Mark
RightFit Verified

About Charlie Claffey

I am an Exercise Science major from Elon University in North Carolina, there I also completed a nutrition minor and a coaching minor. Since Highschool I have been active in the gym and in fitness for over 10 years now learning new things each day. What led me on this path of fitness was a very serious injury playing Highschool football where I broke my back in two different spots, since then I have wanted to be able to improve athletes lives in fitness after injury. I am also very motivated to share a healthy lifestyle to the rest of the world.

NASMNutritionBachelor Science Degree in Exercise Science

ArmsAthletic TrainingBackBody TransformationBodybuildingChestFat LossFootballFull BodyGeneral Wellness/FitnessGoal SettingHigh IntensityInjury PreventionIsometric TrainingLeaning OutLegsMuscle GainMuscle ToneNutritionPersonalized FitnessShouldersStability TrainingStrength TrainingSwimmingWeight LossWeight Management

  • Dollar Hourly rate: $75

  • Calendar Session cancellation: 24 hours notice required

Training Philosophy
intensity and consistency is key

Training Professionally Since
June 15, 2021

Typical Training Session

My clients can expect to have a wide rang of workouts for what ever goal they would like to meet. The first few sessions are going to be information gathering for me so I can make a plan that is going to work best for you and what you are looking to do. After the introductory sessions we will move forward in the actual fitness part. First looking at form to prevent any injury then getting started into a consistent plan that will allow the clients to reach their goals.

Client success story

One of my friends came to me a few years back wanted to change is body composition and overall fitness. He had not been active in the gym or with other areas of fitness for 4+ years and had gained some weight and was feeling some ache and pains in his joints. After working with him to find out his goals and what he wants to improve on we went to work. His original weight was 269 lbs, and he had a BMI of 34.5. About a year later after battling Covid and himself he weighs 205lbs and has a BMI of 26.3. His body fat percentage also has gone down from 27% body fat, to 18% body fat. After hard work, dedication and consistency my friend was able to completely change his life and accomplish his goals.

Football, Basketball

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