
Erika Elko

Location Austin, TX

$75 Question Mark
3d BuildingFacility:
$75Question Mark
GroupGroup Rate (2-4 Trainees):
$125Question Mark
RightFit Verified

About Erika Elko

Erika is an endurance athlete at heart with experience teaching power yoga, pilates, and more recently completed her Level One training in Crossfit. Having completed five marathons, including Boston (PR 3:08), and several half ironman races, she is no stranger to endurance athleticism and the need for speed. Erika has competed and placed in several obstacle course races, including Spartan, and loves to jump into workouts everywhere she travels.

Erika trains her clients with a simple and efficient approach and believes less is more. Recovery is key and sometimes more important than the training itself. Quality over quantity always. When it comes to her own personal training regimen and her clients, she takes a holistic approach – from sleep, to nutrition, to social, mental, and spiritual health, it is all important to be balanced.

ACECrossFit Level OneRoad Runners Club of America200 Hour YTTIIN Health Coach

BootcampsEnduranceFull BodyFunctional TrainingGoal SettingGroup ExInterval TrainingNutritionPersonalized FitnessPilatesRunningWeight LossWeight ManagementWellnessYogaMarathon trainingCrohn's Disease and IBD managementWomen's Health

  • Dollar Hourly rate: $75

  • Calendar Session cancellation: 24 hours notice required

Training Philosophy
Simple and efficient. Less is more and recovery is key.

Training Professionally Since

Typical Training Session

A typical training session will consist of a periodized program in progressive overload matched with the occasional metabolic conditioning to assess overall aerobic and anaerobic capacity. We will squat, deadlift, press, and mobilize. Adding the occasional accessory work to keep things interesting and keep you engaged, I will never add movements or workouts that are just for show. We will learn how to move the right way, work with the basics, and teach you how to move and be strong for the rest of your life.

Client success story

when I am not working out, I am being a homebody with some country music on and candles.

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Other Locations Serviced
78704 ,78703 ,78702 ,78701 ,78705

Group Rate:

Erika Elko

Group Rate:

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