
Glenn Hicks

Location Arlington, TX

$105 Question Mark
3d BuildingFacility:
$90Question Mark
GroupGroup Rate (2-4 Trainees):
$130Question Mark
RightFit Verified

About Glenn Hicks

United States Navy veteran, who spent his career as a fitness coordinator. Trainer for 10 years in downtown San Diego, where I spent countless hours designing and creating workouts for each individual person and their needs. Combining Pilates, strength training and corrective exercises while minimizing pain and injuries. Also allowing each individual to become a better athlete or creating a more active lifestyle. Moving forward I want to continue to help people understand their bodies and how fitness truly works.

NASMNASM corrective exercise

ArmsAthletic TrainingBackBalance TrainingBasketballBootcampsBridal PrepChestCircuit TrainingCore TrainingCorrective ExerciseDisease Specific TrainingEnduranceFat LossFitness AssessmentsFootballFull BodyFunctional TrainingGeneral Wellness/FitnessGoal SettingGroup ExHeart Health TrainingHigh Impact TrainingHigh IntensityInjury PreventionInterval TrainingIsometric TrainingLeaning OutLegsLow Impact TrainingMobility TrainingMuscle GainMuscle TonePersonalized FitnessPosturePre and Post Natal TrainingProgram Design and ImplementationRange of MotionRehab (Pre and Post)ShouldersSports ConditioningSports RehabilitationStability TrainingStrength TrainingToningTRXWeight LossWeight Management

  • Dollar Hourly rate: $105

  • Calendar Session cancellation: 24 hours notice required

Training Philosophy
Have fun, learn and understand how to use your body.

Training Professionally Since
September 1, 2005

Typical Training Session

Highly motivated and fun experience. All while learning and exploring new challenges within yourself.

Client success story

Client was recommended by a coworker. She was becoming a bride in three months. Like most she wanted to look great with out changing her current lifestyle. At the time not believing that health and fitness needed to be long term. She made some changes and was able to look amazing for the her wedding day. Several months later she came back with additional problems ( weight gain, unhappy). We spent a year helping her progress mentally and physically. Afterward she quit her job to launch her own private kickboxing studio. I was there on opening day.

Basketball, movies and enjoying family time with my son.

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Primary Training Location
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Other Locations Serviced
76016 ,75219 ,76180 ,76012

Group Rate:

Glenn Hicks

Group Rate:

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