
Jacob Belk

Location Blaine, MN

$90 Question Mark
3d BuildingFacility:
$90Question Mark
GroupGroup Rate (2-4 Trainees):
$108Question Mark
RightFit Verified

About Jacob Belk

My name is Jake Belk. I have been lifting since i was about 14 years old doing strength and conditioning for football and basketball. I fell in love with the weight room immediatley and have never looked back. I firmly believe that each of us have a version of ourselves to uncover and share with to the world. The strongest and best version of ourselves is always available to us, but we have to do the work to shine that light into the world.

I have been training clients since I got out of high school and through college. I currently have my active personal training certification under ISSA and by the end of 2019 will obtain Paul Chek’s holistic lifestyle coach lvl 1 and RPR muscle work certifications.

My ultimate goal is to open my own facility in the midwest where i can implement programs to help individuals to become the strongest version of themselves not only physically, but as well as mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is my conviction that through the weights, through our body we can achieve personal development in all these areas.


ArmsBody TransformationBodybuildingBootcampsChestCircuit TrainingCorrective ExerciseFat LossFitness AssessmentsFitness Competition TrainingFull BodyFunctional TrainingGeneral Wellness/FitnessGeriatric Fitness TrainingHigh IntensityInjury PreventionLegsMuscle GainPostureProgram Design and ImplementationShouldersStrength TrainingWeight LossWeight ManagementWellness

  • Dollar Hourly rate: $90

  • Calendar Session cancellation: 24 hours notice required

Training Philosophy
I take a hybrid, holistic, functional approach to my training. Incorporating all modalities of training such as strength training, metabolic training, bodybuilding and strongman movements.

Training Professionally Since
June 3, 2014

Typical Training Session

– Coaching and constant support
– Knowledge they can take and apply
– Inspiration
– Connectedness
– A kick ass workout
– A lot of fun
– Loving Enviroment

Along with each training program, we start with an initial consultation where we get to examine in depth where you want to be and come up with a game plan together. Moving on from there, we will do a full body analysis and determine where you have muscular imbalances or muscle virus’s as I like to call them, and come up with an at home solution for you to start that day!

A client can expect to be pushed to their limits physically and mentally. Giving it their all every step of the way. My clients don’t need to be the biggest, strongest, fastest or best in their sport. They just need to come with the MINDSET and WILL to leave it all on the floor. All well learning and understanding the logic and reasoning behind what we are doing.

Client success story

I have had countless clients be “successful”. However this term is subjective to the individual. I have had clients who have competed in bikini shows, placed top 3 in there shows, ran their first marathon, lost 70lbs and. created an entirely new life for themselves, rehabbed from a chronic injury they have dealt with for years and did their first major tough mudder.

Your success will be subjective to you, but I can promise you that together we will accomplish your dreams and your goals physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.


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Jacob Belk

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