
Mary Culkin

Location Denver, CO

$70 Question Mark
3d BuildingFacility:
$70Question Mark
GroupGroup Rate (2-4 Trainees):
$90Question Mark
RightFit Verified

About Mary Culkin

I became a trainer with the goal of helping people take control of their own health and fitness. I have a B.S. in Biology which I earned with the goal of learning how to fight disease and aging. I learned that proper health and fitness is the biggest way to stay healthy, active, and disease free into old age. I was overweight with many joint injuries before becoming a trainer. After conquering my own health, losing weight and healing my injuries I was inspired to help others do the same. No matter what your fitness level and goals, it is my dream to help you be the best you!


Agility TrainingArmsBackBalance TrainingBodybuildingChestCircuit TrainingCore TrainingCorrective ExerciseDisease Specific TrainingEnduranceFat LossFitness AssessmentsFull BodyFunctional TrainingGeneral Wellness/FitnessGeriatric Fitness TrainingGoal SettingHeart Health TrainingHigh IntensityInjury PreventionInterval TrainingIsometric TrainingKettelbell TrainingLegsLow Impact TrainingMobility TrainingNutritionPersonalized FitnessPhysical HandicapPostureProgram Design and ImplementationRange of MotionRehab (Pre and Post)ShouldersStability TrainingStrength TrainingSwimmingToningTRXWeight LossWeight ManagementWellnessYogaPole Dance Fitness

  • Dollar Hourly rate: $70

  • Calendar Session cancellation: 24 hours notice required

Training Philosophy
I believe in training with compassion and a focus on individual needs to design a fit lifestyle that works with your life naturally. My strategy is to work with my clients to make staying healthy and in shape fun and effortless.

Training Professionally Since
January 1, 2010

Typical Training Session

The first session will always primarily be assessments. I begin with conversation and easy physical assessments to design a plan for you. Once we have a basic plan in place I walk you through several exercises to see what your preferences are. By the end of the first session I will have a complete workout schedule for you. After the first session, all sessions will consist of a warmup, followed by your personalized exercise routine, and ending with a cool down and stretching. I walk you through every exercise, show you how to do it properly and correct your form as needed. I will have a calm encouraging approach while pushing you to do your best.

Client success story

The client that sticks out to me as my greatest success so far was a man in his 80’s with Parkinson’s disease. When we started working together his upper back was curved so it was impossible for him to stand perfectly upright. If he stood with his back to a wall his head would be about 5inches away from the wall. He struggled greatly with balance and torn muscles in his shoulder that prevented him from lifting his arms straight up over his head. After a few months of working with me his posture was greatly improved, he could stand up straight. His balance improved despite the struggle with Parkinson’s and he could lift a 10 pound bar with straight arms over his head. Nothing has been more amazing to me than to see such great health improvements in an individual who is over 80 years old with a potentially debilitating illness.

My hobbies include pole dance, playing trombone and piano, sewing, reading, cooking, and going for long walks outside.

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Other Locations Serviced
80222 ,80230 ,80210 ,80209 ,80223

Group Rate:

Mary Culkin

Group Rate:

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