
Miguel C

Location Miami, FL

$135 Question Mark
3d BuildingFacility:
$100Question Mark
GroupGroup Rate (2-4 Trainees):
$120Question Mark
RightFit Verified

About Miguel C

Hello My name is Miguel ,I ‘am from the Dominican Republic move to the United States at the age of 14 where I begin to train for my self and start my passion in fitness becoming trainer in NYC in 2017 in a YMCA gym then move to Miami and be a trainer for Youfit gyms from 2019 to 2021.


Body TransformationMuscle GainMuscle ToneWeight LossWellnessFitness training,

  • Dollar Hourly rate: $135

  • Calendar Session cancellation: 24 hours notice required

Training Philosophy
I have a training theory of super settings and and intense workouts and depends on your goals having a great meals plan management as you make your body 50% on the kitchen then I like intense workouts with super sets and a 15-20 reps.

Training Professionally Since
February 10, 2018

Typical Training Session

I will say a great guide with training and meals plans and a touch of plans out of the gym an contact to keep on tracking the changes archive weekly to get the best results possible.

Client success story

I had a client that get to me looking to have a change on her life eating habits and try to have a better self results with her body weighting 220 pounds and 5,7 heights and had a successful training and guidance with me for 1 full year and end the program with a better body and life style with eating habits finished with a 175 pounds.

Baseball ,basketball, boxing training

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Miguel C

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