Train out of your home – The trainer comes to you.
After 60 years on this planet, I have been fortunate to try many different forms of exercise starting from age 16 and with some great instructors. So, now, I get to reap the benefits of this “investment” in myself through the freedom to do almost anything I want that involves physical movement. Want to play cops and robbers with the 10-12-year-olds, no problem, want to hike up a mountain, no problem, want to play high-powered racquetball for two hours, no problem, want to do handstand pushups, some problems as I am still striving to perfect it!
Bottom line, lots of seasoning in my approach to taking care of the gift of life and I only want to share what I have with others.
Hourly rate: $100
Session cancellation: 24 hours notice required
First session is FREE
A full-body, fun workout targeted to their fitness goals – the time will fly by!
Sure, plenty of them. In Jan 2019, four women came to me to coach them to lose weight in 90 days. I said I would do it but only if the goal for the group was broader to include functional improvements too. After 90 days all four women who stuck with the program of activity, proper nutrition, and rest attained an average loss of 7% of their starting body weight and, more importantly, were more confident with themselves.
Right now, I have large group boot camp training going on with a very diverse group of people – I know all their names, their goals, and, importantly, if they have any physical issues. I can see their progress on the various moves I am introducing them too.
Train out of your home – The trainer comes to you.
Go to the trainer’s gym.
Train with a friend (or two) and save!